Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Emotional "Plan B"

Don't worry if plan A fails, there are 25 more letters in the alphabet.

This is a quote which implies to do a lot of planning. Everyone in this planet suggests to have a "Plan B", because it is logically and theoretically correct to have a Plan B. But did any one suggest you to have a plan B because it is emotionally correct.

Well i will explain one of my personal experiences with respect to this. I am good at activities like planning, organizing and all the activities which occur before an event. But i am a quite emotional guy and take most of the the things to heart. I had a major change in life (of course negative) for which i just planned a backup but not prepared any way.

Being an IT employee i knew that hard and smart work never fails (in my case it did) and always hoped that a VISA will be initiated for me. It was almost final and everything was going on good. On one fine day the news that due to multiple reasons and changes in the policies of the company VISA was not finally initiated. That`s it. This was enough for me to depress but not this time. Though i felt bad but i was not emotionally touched, i had my cool kept and dealt with the scenario in a more logical and sensible manner.

What i feel is the reason for it might be the Plan B which i had just written and did not pay much attention. My "Plan B" was to buy a "Royal Enfield" for which i am more emotionally connected. Immediately after my Plan A failed i started working on my plan B. Being a guy who loves driving bikes "Royal Enfield" was one my dream. In fact i did not buy a "Royal Enfield" till date because i don`t want to leave my bike or spoil it in my absence (if i go onsite).  The moment i lost the visa i started thinking more about the bike for which i was more excited. This excitement has stopped me from getting emotionally affected for plan A`s failure, in fact i was happy as my dream of "RE" was  realized.

The only suggestion which i would give at this point is that if you have a "Plan A" for which you are emotionally connected, then also have a "Plan B" for which you are equally emotional. This will ensure that you are never depressed because of ones failure be it professional, personal and even in relations.

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